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Grey Highlands PROBUS Club Constitution

GHPC Constitution 2016.03.09.pdf

Grey Highlands PROBUS Club BY-LAWS

Grey Highlands Club Bylaw 2023.pdf

Grey Highlands PROBUS Club operating policies

Revised April 2017

These operating policies have evolved within the Management Team meetings since the founding of the Grey Highlands Club in 2007. Any member with questions or wishing to attend a Management Team meeting is invited to contact the President.

1. Limited membership

Grey Highlands PROBUS membership is limited. The maximum is reviewed annually. New members will be taken in once a year after the maximum is reached based on an estimate of how many members will not renew. We have a restriction on the total number of members because of:
• the logistics of running a large group i.e. fee collection, membership tags and lists, activity groups, insurance premium payment (based on numbers);
• fire regulations at the meeting place;
• need for space to socialize comfortably in the meeting place;
• the need for enough room for all at events like the Christmas Party, Picnic etc.

2. Restrictions on non-members at Grey Highlands PROBUS Club functions

Non-members, including those on the waiting list, may occasionally attend functions as invited guests, unless the event is specifically restricted to members. Our Club was formed and is operated for the benefit of its members. They finance its operation and do the work of running activity groups and events. Their interests are not being served by activities that are crowded or limited because of nonmembers. Any non-member taking advantage of our meetings, or our activity groups on a regular basis should be politely discouraged from attending and encouraged to join the club. Grey Highlands PROBUS does not support activities which are significantly non-member, through its newsletter, membership lists, Liability Insurance or use of the meeting place.


Guests of our members are welcome on an occasional basis and should be introduced as guests. Name tags for guests are available at the door.


Guests of members are welcome on an occasional basis. Ex-members are guests.


These are arranged by our members, for our members, who have first right of refusal. If there is room left and the event will benefit, guests may be included at the discretion of the organizer. Non-members must be invited by a member and registered as guests. Sign-up sheets should indicate members first – and have a waiting list for guests. However we encourage a “fill up the bus” policy after members have had opportunity to sign up, thus making the excursion financially viable.

3. Sanctioned activities

The key consideration for activities is whether or not they contravene the constitution of the Club. Our club is one of hundreds of PROBUS Clubs in Canada. The constitution under which all these clubs were formed states that we are a social club – nonpolitical, nonsectarian, noncommercial and non-fund-raising. Our noncommercial status means that no member may use club events or facilities (newsletter, meetings or website) to solicit business unless requested by the club. If the activity contravenes our constitution, Grey Highlands PROBUS cannot support it through its meetings, or newsletter. PROBUS Liability Insurance will not cover activities unless they are organized and operated with full knowledge and approval of the Management Team.

4. Community announcements, ticket sales

Because of the number of community and commercial organizations asking to market to our membership, announcements at meetings are made only through the Vice-President who should be contacted by the Sunday before the monthly meeting. A table is provided at those meetings for brochures, ads etc. Ticket sales for non-PROBUS events are accepted if deemed appropriate and beneficial to the Club. IE a fill the bus trip to the AGO organized by an outside art gallery.

5. Financing of activities

For whole Club events, expenses are budgeted and participants charged accordingly. If the Event is subsidized by the club and guests are permitted, guests will be charged extra. Payment should be made by cheque, made out to Grey Highlands PROBUS Club or by whatever online payment method the club has available at the time, rather than by cash. The treasurer provides banking services for cheques received, and payment from those funds for invoices approved by the social convener.

Activity group finances are separate from Club finances and every group is expected to finance its own activities and manage the funds. However, the treasurer will hold collected funds for activity groups that experience the need to get into contractual agreements with businesses outside of the club. For example, situations requiring the rental of facilities or transportation for large groups (bus company). In these cases, payment should be by cheque made out to Grey Highlands PROBUS Club or by whatever online payment method the club has available at the time, rather than by cash and the treasurer would provide payment for invoices approved by the activity group coordinator.

Any two of the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer are authorized to sign contracts which are binding on Grey Highlands PROBUS Club when sanctioned by Management. If necessary, it is possible for the Management Committee to delegate that authority to an individual.

6. Refunds

Members often pay in advance for activity group events or whole club events like the Picnic, Christmas Party, Car Rally, theatre trips etc. If they later find they cannot attend, a refund may or may not be possible. Club policy is that if the organizer of the event has already made a financial commitment on the member’s behalf, no refund or a partial refund may be given. It is up to the member to approach people on a waiting list (if one exists), or to privately sell their ticket to another member.

7. Use of assets

PROBUS is a non-profit organization and as such does not build considerable assets. Membership fees cover a PROBUS Canada Liability Policy, badges and local operating costs. Any surplus may be used for item or activities and events, from which the entire membership may benefit if they so choose.

8. Communications within the club


This information is confidential, for use in connection with the activities of the club and is not to be disclosed to any other person or organization or used for any commercial, charitable or other purpose. Members may request that their addresses and phone numbers not be published in the list. The list will be available in a private members only, password protected section of the website.


Members may make Activity announcements at the monthly meeting. A table and bulletin board are provided for those wishing to set out information on club and community activities. Notices should not be posted on the walls of the meeting place.


Every club member has access to the monthly newsletter via the Club website. Members may submit items to the newsletter editor or webmaster who may then edit them to fit the space available or to conform to style. A final review is carried out by the Club president or designate. Community news articles and information must be submitted to the Vice President or designate for review as to appropriateness prior to being published online.

As needs arise, additional communications containing information relating to specific activities may be sent to the members by email by or on behalf of the Management Council.


The majority of our members have email. Privacy laws have led us to have a Club policy that we blind carbon (bcc) the recipients when sending email to a group.


PROBUS Centre Canada recommends that clubs do not provide alcohol. At Club events like the Christmas Dinner, alcohol may be purchased from a licensed vendor. PROBUS does not sell or supply alcohol.



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