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Club activities

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The Grey Highlands PROBUS Club provides regular gatherings for those who appreciate and value opportunities to meet others to pursue similar areas of interest.

This social club meets normally on the second Wednesday of each month from January to June and September to November to hear a guest speaker who speaks for about on hour on topics of general interest, followed by a question and answer period. We are currently meeting at the Kimberley Community Hall on Grey Rd 13 / Beaver Valley Rd.  When we host an in-person meeting, we start at 1:30 with a 30 minute socializing time (with snacks and coffee) before listening to our speaker at 2.

Additionally, other club-wide events are usually offered – past examples include a summer picnic, special luncheons, theatre outings, a golf tournament, a car rally, a curling bonspiel, a Christmas luncheon, etc…

Members with their particular interests in mind, volunteer to organize and lead a wide variety of regular indoor and outdoor activities. In fact, approximately 30 such activities are now running in and around beautiful Grey Highlands in the heart of the Beaver Valley. Club members enjoy these year-round with other like-minded participants. You can view all active groups on the Activity Groups page or as a list. Once you have decided to try a particular activity, update your online profile to select that group and you will start receiving information and invites to activities. You may also email  that activity’s coordinator by clicking on  the activity coordinator’s name on the activity’s description page.

Interested in starting a new activity group? Here are some guidelines to get you started. GHPCGuidelinesforeventsactivitygroups2020  You may also contact our overall activities convenor Shelley Austin



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