Volunteer Tea Party

Tuesday, July 19, 2022 8:02 PM | Barbara Andrew (Administrator)

Can you believe we have not met in person to celebrate our great group of Volunteers since 2019!

Over the past two years even though meeting in person had been put on hold or provincial guidelines mandated restrictions on numbers of people gathering and providing a socially distant environment, activity coordinators continued to be creative and find ways to keep in touch and engage with their members. Many educated themselves on various new technologies such as Zoom or Tricksters. We can’t thank them enough!

In addition, our Management Committee continued to hold everyone together. They provided superior guidance, support and leadership at a time when we needed it the most. We also need to thank the amazing Wild Apricot Team for all their time, research, planning, training and dedication to bringing this web platform to fruition. Thank you!

Through all of this, our amazing volunteers have proven to be a truly committed, loyal and dedicated bunch of individuals to this thriving club. Because of them, we offer a number of indoor and outdoor activities to keep our members active, mentally engaged and provide opportunities to connect with each other and build friendships through common interests. Thank you!

The Volunteer Tea Party was a beautiful way to celebrate them. We met at the Feversham Pavilion on a lovely summer day with music playing, loads of locally grown strawberries, fresh whipping cream, cake and refreshments. We had an amazing time building our own Strawberry Shortcakes, talking and catching up. Some may have enjoyed a second or third helping, but being the amazing club we are, there was no judgement.

There is always room at the table for ‘more volunteers’. Without volunteers we would not have this amazing club offering over 25 activities. Many hands make light work. We welcome members to share the load and to ‘take a turn’ when Coodinators are stepping down. Please consider volunteering your time.



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