ScheduleSeasonSpring, Summer, Fall Frequency Every Day Wednesday Time Morning | Cycling - Trail Blazers |
David RoachThe Cruisers will ride every Wednesday for about 1.5 - 2 hours at an easy pace. Rides will follow back roads and trails around the Grey Highlands, Owen Sound, Meaford, Thornbury and Collingwood areas. Each week will feature a different ride location.
Tips for safe riding:
When we stop, choose the right place to do so, i.e.:
On a busy road, ride single file in a group of 5 maximum.
Know your hand signals, make them clear and definitive.
Shoulder check is one of the forgotten safe riding skills, the other is to ride in a simple straight line.
Be aware of hazards, road conditions, intersections.
Stay alert at all times.
The 3 R's:
- same Roads: You can and should use the roads, not the sidewalks.
- same Rights: You have the right to your space on the roads.
- same Rules: If you want respect, you need to follow the rules, you can't have it both ways!